
by OneDanceTribe

Are you involved in the dance of life?

In this short video Arjuna Vincent Martinez-Grieco, founder of SoulMotion, shares some thoughts about four important elements in our dance of life: space, shape, sound and stillness. I hope you will enjoy his words of wisdom.

This video was recorded at the closing session of the first online Conscious Dance Conference.

If you are ready to deepen in your dance with life, you may want to consider joining Arjuna and an unprecedented line up of international teachers, March 6-11 at Garrison Institute for the OneDanceTribe New York 2020 event.

For the past 8 years the OneDanceTribe events have provided a deep and unique experience of living life at a higher frequency, opening the infinite field of possibilities that we can access when we cultivate and experience love and unity.

If you can’t attend the entire 6 day event, join us for the weekend and experience the magic, the joy and the beauty!

About OneDanceTribe
OneDanceTribe is an international community of people practicing conscious movement as a pathway for personal and global transformation. It is a portal to a unified field where teachers and dancers of different modalities and walks of life come together to celebrate the power of Moving as One.
Are you involved in the dance of life?